Wishing We Did Things Differently in Life

Sometimes do you ever wonder what it would be like if you did things differently in life? I think we all have had that thought at one time or another.

With our finances, it is something that has crossed our minds once or twice these past 3 years. What if we would have done this or that where would be today?

This past week our 12-year-old daughter brought her spending money to school to buy from the book fair (each of our kids has a spending, charity, and savings envelope that they divide their earned money into). She ran into our younger 10-year-old brother at lunch and found out he had a negative balance on his lunch account (this was totally my fault for not getting our budgeted money in the account at the beginning of the month).

Do you know what she did? She pulled out a $20 bill and asked the lunchroom staff to please put it to his account. Then she inquired about her other brother’s account as well just in case money was needed for him too.

When she told us later that night what she did, we were a bit stunned. This wasn’t money that was just laying around…it was her EARNED spending money that she used. When we went to pay her back, she waved her hand  no and said, “that is okay mom, I got his lunch money, I don’t need the money back.” She sincerely meant it. We of course paid her back, but the experience made our hearts swell.

So if you are in one of those times in your life wishing you had done something differently, keep this in mind:

God can take our mistakes and turn them into something good when we are willing to take ACTION to change.

In our case, even though we were irresponsible with our resources (really His resources) by mismanaging our money (really His money) when we were younger, God let us see firsthand through His grace and mercy that it is not too late to change. He can take something that is painful in our lives and let it be used for good. Pretty amazing.

God bless and thanks for reading.




4 responses to this post.

  1. Jen,

    That’s awesome that your daughter did something that amazing! Just know that your father in Heaven is in awe about what His daughter (and son) are doing as well. He is sooooo proud of you guys and yes, He can work good from anything if we allow it.

    Have a Victorious Day!
    Marianne Clements


  2. Thanks for sharing the story about your daughter!!
    I’ve seen so many examples of kids behaving so selfishly, and parents enabling…. your daughter’s story was refreshing!
    –There ARE good kids out there 🙂


  3. oh thanks for the great note!!!


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