A Little About Us

We used to be the average/normal American family as we lived like 70% of American’s by living pay check to pay check.  In 2009 we found ourselves in a field of debt.  When our 7-year-old son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, we choose to change our personal finances by getting on a plan to make sure we got him the medical care we wanted.

Since we started on 4/1/09, we have completely turned our personal finances around and have paid off a mountain of debt.  As of November 2011, we have paid off $124,000 worth of debt and have cash flowed $25,000+ worth of medical expenses.

Please visit our website at http://www.fieldofdebt.com/ for our story.

God Bless and thanks for following along with us as we continue on our journey of paying off debt and sharing our story to encourage those in financial distress and those striving to become debt free.


Visit our most recent media interviews by visit our media page at www.fieldofdebt.com. Please contact us for any speaking and/or media interviews as we are thrilled to be able to share our story to give others hope and encouragement.

See our latest book which is now available at www.livingbeyondawesome.com. Living Beyond Awesome will inspire you to live life to the fullest and push your God-given abilities beyond the limit.


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